wunaile 发表于 2009-4-7 18:01







很多人不相信中国医生,说了很多HIV阴性症状,中国检测不出来之类云云。那我就发一篇国外恐友的症状,由国外的著名HIV医生H. Hunter Handsfield(我们网站也有这位医生的观点和介绍)为这位网友进行的解释。以下是英文原文和我的中文翻译:

首先是患者:Need Conclusion to this HIV testing

Thank you dr. HH and all.

I had 30min. vag. sex with hiv + woman. No condom. I experienced ARS-like at 2-4weeks after. I had15lb wt.loss 2nd week, whitish and denuded areas on tongue, 3-4 days of light night sweats around neck/chest area,several pimple/like eruptions on back for 3-4days, one 2-in. diameter pink blotch on each leg on shin area,2day type bowel constipation, constant bowel rumbling sounds, eruption of several new black moles on body,slight nausea and metalic taste on mouth.


I had Elisas done at 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 months Negative. Although 2nd generation by Quest Diagnostics, (Miurex Kit). some Oraquicks. Odered DNA by PCR tests at 3 and 4 months. Negative.


Viral Load test b-DNA 50
Repeated the v.l with bDNA 75
My whitebloodcount is 4.7 in a normal window of 4-10. (I am low which Means my body is fighting a viral infection, right?)



健康QQ 发表于 2009-4-7 21:13


wunaile 发表于 2009-4-7 22:06

2# 健康QQ 下面的内容怎么没了啊 QQ大哥?

lzzlzzww 发表于 2010-1-3 17:13

没了??????什么啊 医生怎么说??

lzzlzzww 发表于 2010-1-3 17:17

自己找到了下一半 大家也看看吧
So what is going on with me, where are my antibodies?
Please give me a scientific explanation why I am not Positive? Everyone seems to take the Elisa Test as a fullprof
You ask the key question toward the end:"Please give me a scientific explanation why I am not Positive?"Because your blood tests are negative.That evidence outweighs all the other things you say, hands down.You don't have HIV
It is true that some research suggests that some people can be exposed to HIV, develop an immune reaction to it of the sort you describe, yet are not infected.That's NOT INFECTED.You have been grossly overtested.I believe you are depressed, probably rather seriously.(I could show your thread to medical students to teach them many of the classical manifestations of that disease.)Whatever else, you do not have HIV.The first thing you should do is stop searching the web or elsewhere for arcane immunologic interpretations of your test results and symptoms.The second thing is to seek mental health counseling.I suggest it out of compassion, not criticism

怕死了111 发表于 2010-1-3 20:22


unknownvirus 发表于 2010-9-8 10:53


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查看完整版本: 转帖外国专家对一些“未知病毒”的解释
